A community consisting of budding artists of all ages and art forms. Music, comedy, sculpting or theatrical arts- there’s a place for everyone here. Created in 2023, this community is for artists, by artists.
To provide a supportive platform for indie artists to showcase their talents. Our goal is to help you leave your fears behind and embrace the joy in creating.
We're a bunch of college students who love organizing events and making artists feel special.
i love helping creatives label themselves as artists. it's crucial to stop hoarding your work and have a channel to let it out.
instead of searching for opportunities, i made one.
they’re my people. they are people who will always value your talents and respect your opinion. artist.chennai makes me feel seen and recognised for my skills. They’re just my kinda people :)
artist.chennai is a great way to connect to people. A great place to work and to learn. The team is just crazy, it’s beyond a team. it’s a family now.
artist.chennai is something that was meant to be. it is my safe place, where I get to express and embrace the art in me freely. if i get to do something that I love everyday here and at the same time, give back to the society through art, why wouldn't I do that? <3
artist.chennai has always been a community that symbolises acceptance for me .The diversified range of art forms that have been put forward here makes me realise how ambiguous and ubiquitous art is.